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John's Bookshelf

Title and Author Why it's on my shelf Link
Jesus Among Other Gods by Ravi Zacharias Reason to look into Jesus, if you haven't; reason to continue believing in Him, if you have.
A Practical Handbook for the Actor A very quick read. I'm not an actor, but I find it refreshingly simple. I expect to use it when I write beats in stories.
Dramatica by Melanie Anne Phillips and Chris Huntley The most comprehensive theory of story I've found yet. However, I've read it four times and don't fully understand all of it. But all other theory books seem to support Dramatica's theory, and I'm determined to keep studying it.
How to Write a Novel Using The Snowflake Method by Randy Ingermanson The most entertaining and productive way to plan a story, from initial idea to first draft.
The Story Grid: What Good Editors Know by Shawn Coyne A diagnostic tool to find problems in a draft and fix them. This is what I'm currently reading. I expect it to help me rework my first novel Miracle from its initial brain-dump version.
The Marshall Plan for Novel Writing by Evan Marshall A step-by-step guide to planning your novel's length, scenes, and more. I used this to plot my novelette Tay a While.
The 38 most common fiction writing mistakes (and how to avoid them) by Jack Bickham The first book I read about the craft of writing.
The Space Trilogy by C. S. Lewis This thought-provoking intersection of science fiction and theology influenced me in high school to think about how Truth is not bound to the confines of Planet Earth.
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein I've been told that my style is similar to Robert Heinlein. This is my favorite Heinlein story.
Prometheus Rebound by R. L. Akers By my good friend R. L. Akers, who advised me to plot first and write a million words. A compelling sci-fi plot with a twist!
May There Always Be Enough by Donald Jay By my good friend Donald Jay, who hears my first draft work and provides great character advice. This story is a humorous intersection of history and faith. I read it to my wife for a bedtime story.