The Lamp of the Body
Matthew 6:22 (NIV), says:
The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.
This is not physics, as if my body were a crystal and my eyes a portal to let photons pass into the crystalline lattice structure.
Could there, nevertheless, be a corporeal aspect to this truth? Could the way I see the world impact my health? According to sound psychology, counseling, and biological principles, yes. Just yesterday, I caught an advertisement by a doctor asking, "Why don't we [doctors] teach people to better handle their emotions, which cause stress on the body?" The fight-or-flight response elevates cortisol and adrenaline in the body; over the long-term, elevated levels of these chemicals can be harmful and produce chronic illnesses.
So, what does it mean to have "good" eyes? Simply this: That my perspective is in tune with God's perspective. That I see things and people in their proper place. That I value humans as the image-bearers of God, intrinsically valuable, but not to be put on pedestals. The same goes for things: that I use them wisely, but not make them into idols.
Too many notecards!
Last week, I threw away technology in favor of notecards.
It was a good move. I've been able to sort in a hundred or so additional notes from earlier revisions. This has allowed me to "read the plot" of the story very quickly, just by glancing at the notecards in order.
However, my notecard holder is designed for 100--maybe 150--notecards. I'm exceeding its capacity now!
Last night, I ordered a notecard holder with a capacity over 1,000. It's fireproof, waterproof, and has a combination lock. Let's hope that holds!